Microsoft [Exchange Server - Standard]ExchgSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk OLV E 1Y Acdmc AP[Pendidikan] [312-04097]
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Rp. 640,000,000Microsoft [Project Server]PrjctSvr ALNG LicSAPk OLV E 1Y Acdmc AP[Pendidikan] [H22-02365]
Rp. 1,075,000Microsoft [Office Mac Standard]OfficeMacStd 2019 OLP NL Gov [3YF-00661]
Rp. 7,836,600Adobe Acrobat Standard DC for teams 1 Year Subscription Renewal Level 2 (10 - 49) GOV [65297909BC02A12]
Rp. 2,847,000Microsoft [Exchange Standard CAL]ExchgStdCAL 2019 OLP NL Gov UsrCAL[Pemerintah]
Rp. 1,728,000Microsoft [ Project Standard] Prjct Std SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc [Pendidikan ]
Rp. 3,181,000Microsoft [Office Professional Plus]OfficeProPlus LicSAPk OLP NL Gov[Pemerintah] [269-08812]
Rp. 15,883,000Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for teams 1 Year Subscription Renewal Level 3 (50 - 99) GOV [65297929BC03A12]
Rp. 3,053,000Microsoft [Exchange Enterprise CAL]ExchgEntCAL LicSAPk OLP NL Gov UsrCAL woSrvcs[Pemerintah]
Rp. 1,580,000Microsoft [Exchange Server - Enterprise]ExchgSvrEnt LicSAPk OLP NL Gov[Pemerintah]
Rp. 120,296,000Microsoft [Exchange Server - Enterprise]ExchgSvrEnt SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc[Pendidikan] [395-02449]
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Rp. 1,996,890